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Phil Bambino

Bambino Plumbing & Heating



March 5, 2025

Our monthly membership meeting was held on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at the Halston.  We had a good turnout with approximately 30 attendees.

The meeting started at 6:40 pm with President Don Conway leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Attorney Patrick Sullivan explained to members that our meetings are held within an Anti-Trust Policy.  

Don Conway reminded everyone of the upcoming March 26th Islanders game and asked all members to purchase tickets as soon as possible.  He mentioned we are still looking for sponsors for this event.  

National President Joe Cornetta announced the reversal of both the condensing boiler 90% AFUE minimum and the gas water heater bans.

Don Conway spoke about the State Convention being held May 1st through 3rd at the JW Marriot in Savannah, Georgia.  The hotel is a converted powerplant.  State President Ron Doughty will be attending and told members to go on our website if interested.

Don Conway reminded all members of the April 27th Governor’s Comedy Club fund-raising event.  The doors open at 6:00 pm and the show starts at 7:00 pm.  Tickets are $25.00 with a 2-drink and prizes!

Guest speaker James Trikur from Capital One Business Credit Card division spoke about a 2% cash-back reward for using their business card on all related business purchases.  There is a 5-10 minute digital application with no financial information or personal credit check necessary.
Guest speaker Jerry Katz of Platsky did a presentation on selling skills.  He spoke to members about items that should be touched on when selling.  Such as the importance of market competition, product value not only price, factory support, and understanding the product.  He suggested contractors be prepared for estimates and to make a good first impression, since we only get one chance to do that!  Show up on time and be prepared with a “Brag Box” of photos, testimonials, and equipment packages.  Differentiate yourself.  Know your product and the benefits of the equipment being used.  Homeowners may not have any concept of the product, so be the customer’s advisor and explain the product.  When meeting with Homeowners give them an opportunity to ask questions.  Learn and observe their needs, desires, and concerns.

Jerry reminded everyone of issues that Homeowners do not like.  Some examples are not getting back to them, failing to respond to a call, not cleaning up a jobsite when completed, and not treating the Homeowner or house with respect.

Jerry recommends having job signs and “six-packing” while on the job; knocking on neighbors’ doors to introduce ourselves and giving the neighbors business cards.

Rathe Associates spoke to members about training classes on equipment and to check their website calendar.

Joe Cornetta spoke about the email Joe Montilli sent out about plumbers illegally covering work for unlicensed plumbers.  We are having Attorney Patrick Sullivan draft a letter to the Town of Hempstead stating that we are in full support of the law against plumbers covering or signing off any work.

Don Conway ended the meeting at 7:45 pm.  We look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting.  Please sign up for future meetings and upcoming events.

February 12, 2025

Our monthly membership meeting was held on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at the Halston Restaurant on Route 110 in Melville. We had a very good turnout with over 45 members in attendance. 


President Don Conway started our meeting at 6:50 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Patrick Sullivan read our Anti-Trust Agreement. There was a quick vote in favor of Don Conway becoming President after Dan O’Leary stepped down.


Our first speakers were Pat Williams and Brandon Cheney of USI Insurance. They spoke about the top insurance companies Traveler’s, Merchant, and State Farm raising rates, shutting down and dropping certain policies for existing members. Most of these companies are raising premiums by more than 10%. Please reach out to USI for insurance options.


Don Conway announced our March 26th New York Islander game event for friends and families. If interested please purchase tickets as soon as possible. There are also sponsorship opportunities available for this event. If interested please contact Lara Fois.


Our next speaker was Ken Kelly from National Grid. Ken spoke about the possible union worker’s work stoppage. He explained the call center and meter installs will continue as normal. He was hopeful that there would be an agreement rather quickly. Ken also mentioned that going forward if any contractors were experiencing any problems with meter turn-ons or any issues getting appointments, they can reach out to him directly. His phone number is 516-369-3942 and he said he would be happy to help in resolving any issues.


Our next speaker was Kevin Fagan from Operator Qualification Task 86/87. Kevin said we now have over 450 current Long Island 86/87 Qualified plumbers. Classes are still available for anyone interested. He also explained that the Local Law 152 which is required gas inspections for commercial and residential locations is only valid in NYC and not Long Island as per now.


Rich from Mako Plumbing is currently doing Local Law 152 inspections in the NYC area, in case anyone knows anybody that needs to have it done.


Tim Warnecke from Platsky Company, Inc. introduced himself and offered his many services for anyone interested.


John DeLillo then spoke about the importance of the PHCC to all of us and the networking benefits. John thanked all for coming and is expecting a bigger turnout for our March 5th meeting. The March 5th meeting will be held in a larger room in the lower level of The Halston. 


John also spoke about the April 27th Governor’s Comedy Club event and to register on our website. The website will be changing in the next few weeks, but the web address remains the same.


The State and National PHCC are offering scholarships to students for both college and trade schools. Visit the State and National websites for more information and to apply.  There are also links on our website.

Bob Wissing spoke about the charity Rebuilding Together Long Island. Volunteering for people in need of assistance with some necessary plumbing and heating repairs. He talked about how rewarding it is to be a part of this program and is always looking for people to get involved.  If interested please contact Lara Fois to be put on the list and become a volunteer! Don Conway mentioned he has done some of these projects in the past and has enjoyed being a part of them.


Frank Brecher spoke about upcoming tariffs and that some manufacturers are already increasing prices by 15%. He advised all to be smart about upcoming estimates on jobs and guarantee pricing for no more 30 days on new quotes to protect ourselves.


PHCC has a text service number at 833-324-6073. Please check it out and use it!


Don Conway adjourned the meeting at 7:35 pm and reminded everyone  about the upcoming Islander game and Comedy night.


We look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting on March 5th at The Halston and we ask all to register for meetings.

January 8, 2025

Our monthly membership meeting was held on January 8, 2025, at the Halston Restaurant in Melville. We had a very good turnout with over 50 attendees. Thanks to all who came out.

The meeting started at 7:00 pm with Don Conway reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Don is now our President since Dan O’Leary stepped down.

Patrick Sullivan read our Anti-Trust Agreement. 

Please make note of our change of officers. Don Conway is now President and Bob Wissing moved up to first Vice President. All others remain the same.

The meeting was set up differently than past meetings with a round-table venue.

John DeLillo spoke to all members about PHCC strategies moving forward to benefit all members and associates. He urged that we all strive to increase membership and productivity in our meetings that would help all members and associate members.

John also spoke about our upcoming events agenda starting with a February 12th membership meeting. There will be a March 5th meeting and a March 26th fund-raising NY Islander hockey game for all members and family. There will be an April 2nd meeting and an April 27th Governor’s comedy show event in Levittown. Our trade show is set for May 7th at The Halston in Melville. September 10th will be a monthly meeting. October 8th will be a Top Golf outing which has always been a fun event. November 5th will be a monthly meeting. December 3rd will be the Holiday Party at the Irish Poet in Wantagh. 

John then started a floor discussion and was open to any suggestions for possible future guest speakers.

Joe Cornetta spoke about the benefits of payroll companies and AI. Joe mentioned the new administration and topics that affect our industry such as the gas ban. He informed us of webinars and the Mark & Chuck show on the PHCC national website. He also talked about the possibility of having them as guest speakers at an upcoming meeting.

Don Conway spoke about reaching out to Ken Kelly from National Grid for a contractor’s hotline for members to call when they need help with gas issues such as meter turn-ons and appointment confirmations.


Paul Hammond from Hammond Safety Group spoke about Workman’s Compensation rates, discounts, and end-of-year dividends to all plumbing, HVAC, and restoration companies. Many of our current members use their services and are extremely happy with them.

Following, there was round-table introduction of all members and associate members. We are fortunate to have a great group of people who are always willing to help each other and try to better our association.

Ron Doughty spoke about a trip on February 11th. He will be going to Albany for a day trip to speak to our politicians and lobby for our organization. He invited members to come and welcomed all and as many as possible. There is always more strength in numbers! It’s a one-day event; leave in the morning and return at night.

Lara Fois then spoke about our text messaging service and asked members for any feedback. They can text Lara their feedback. It’s an important part of our organization’s teamwork. The meeting ended at approximately 8:00 pm. The Halston was a nice change of scenery with quality food and service. We ask all members to continue attending meetings and urging others to join our association.

Company Information

Plumbing, Heating & Cooling
Contractors of Long Island
510 Broadhollow Road, Suite 305A
Melville, NY 11747
Phone: 516 922-7688
Fax: 516-677-5374