From the March 2024 PHCC Online Newsletter:
‘I Was Born to Be a Plumber’
Reconciling Family Traditions with Changing Times
(and What You Can Do Through Social Media)
PHCC—National President Joe Cornetta, co-owner of a third-generation plumbing and heating business in Elmont, New York, says he was “born and bred to be in this trade and eventually control the path of our family tradition.” Read morehereabout the work ethic of his grandfather (“If you were standing still in front of my grandfather for more than a minute, you better be in an elevator.”) and why his dad asked Joe’s mom to stitch closeall his pants pockets!
Times have changed.And – as we celebrate a month dedicated to plumbing and fixing leaks – Joe also offers how to balance family traditions and standards with fresh perspectives and abilities of thenextgeneration of plumbing and HVAC professionals. As Joe mentions,recruitingalso has changed. Anarticle in the upcoming Spring edition of PHCC’sSolutionsmagazine offers how social media is a must for attracting those workers. You can view a preview of that article here.